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Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall 2010

A lot of things have been happening this fall, Its been really busy!! I have been working a little more and with all the kids activities and appointments, you know the ususal stuff. I am so not ready for winter, but its coming anyways:( The next three days we are in an indian summer YAY a little warmer.
that is Riley and his pumpkin He was proud of it!!

Here is Ilana and her pumpkin.

I love the fall colors they are beautiful. It feels not to hot or not to cold! Its just wonderful!

I finally got Riley to the doctor to help him with his hyperness so he can do well in school. Hopefully things get better!!

Here is Riley's Halloween costume. He didn't get to use it though. I was told to keep him home from school cause the teacher couldn't handle him during the Halloween party. Well he went to his dads house that weekend. He was suppose to take him trick or treating and he never did. He don't like to deal with him in public either. Its just sad that he had to miss the Holiday!!

well thats it for now Ill blog more later!